Ima is a Japanese term for ‘the present moment’; in Aramaic and Hebrew Ima also stands for ‘mother’, in its meaning of rebirth and renewal.

IMA quintet was imagined during the period of social distancing. We found ourselves alone in our true home – our body – where the main tangible and temporal dimension is the present, and our existence becomes more sensitive to small things. In this space, the need to relate to the other, in the absence of physical contact, leads to a deep sense of connection and longing for co-creation. Being alone with our bodies makes us perceive that everything, inside and around, has not stopped, on the contrary it keeps existing in a dance of universal interconnection

*Ima had a first presentation, in its short version (20 min) at 14° Festival of contemporary dance of Biennale di Venezia on 22nd october 2020, commissioned by the director Marie Chouinard.